I had a deadline of Friday 20th July and Graduation ended on Friday 13th July. I handed it over to the editor today and am happy that I was able to provide both the content and the layout with ease and confidence. I am happy with the numerous sources that helped me make the piece possible and the support that I have seen from friends, colleagues and family. Thank you to all who are featured, I will let you know when it is out.
I also have a full time job now, something to keep me busy whilst my idle hands keep writing to every publication possible to get my work published and to ensure that my confidence in my writing ability increases and hopefully leads me to a new opportunity shortly. I will never give up on my dreams and neither should anyone who wants them enough.
I will keep writing theatre, book and film reviews on here as well as any more band profiles I work on as I have taken a break from those also. I look forward to forging my career into the Journalism industry, it won't know what's hit it!!
Victoria V.L Walker